Galaxy IEs

Industrial Engineering and Business Software

Cost, Capacity and Cycle Time

Call us today +1 510.552.4576

We deliver Lower Cost, Higher Capacity, and Shorter Cycle Time


Supply Chain

Business Software

Cost Reduction

Capacity Increase

Cycle Time Reduction

Analysis / LEAN

Line Balancing

Planning / Budgeting

Metrics / KPIs

Power BI Reports

Data Pool

Excel / VB

Discrete Event Simulation

Web Apps / Software

If the need is for Lower Cost, Increased Capacity, and Shorter Cycle Time just call us now!

Factory Upgrades, Capacity Expansion

Business Process Re-engineering (Lean, Six Sigma)

Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Purchasing and Logistics

Cost, Capacity, Cycle Time and Line Balancing

New Factory Planning Design / Discrete Event Simulation / Static Models

Setting Performance Indicators, KPI’s

Business Software: Upgrades and Development

Project Planning, Management and Implementation

Process Documentation / Training / Effective Management

All Aspects of Industrial Engineering

Time Study
Plant Layout
Line Balancing
Total Factory Planning
Resource Optimization

All Supporting Business Software

Companies we helped


Rockwell International






National Semiconductor

Texas Instruments



Digital Equipment

Applied Materials

Lam Research

Al Maktaba

Universite de Moncton, N.B., Canada

California State Polytechnic University


Xerox Parc

Micron Technology

Call us today +1 510.552.4576

Sample Completed Projects 1 of 2

Rockwell International
Semiconductor Wafer Fab, Probe Test, Packaging, Burn In, Final Test

Created, Managed and Lead the Team:
Industrial Engineering, Process Engineering, Production, Quality, Equipment Support, Facilities, Purchasing, and Finance

Reduced wafer fab manufacturing cost by 20%
Quadrupled production capacity over four years
Reduced high volume wafer fab cycle time from 6x to world class 3x theoretical

Managed the Development and Implementation of 5 years plan of Manufacturing Upgrades and Expansion

Hired and Trained a Team of Twelve Industrial Engineers
Empowered Operators and Supervisors Implemented Quality Circles

Presented and got Top Management Approval, and Fully Managed Large Scale Budget
Expert in business process re-engineering and computerization, budgeting, short and long term planning, cycle time reduction, and cost management

Plant Layout: Clean Room, Maintenance Areas, Safety Zones, Material Flow and Methods, Work in Process (WIP) Sizing and Storage

Five Years Plan:
Manufacturing Capacity Increase, Cycle Time Reduction, Capital Plan, Product Cost Plan, Process Upgrades, Yield Improvement

Created Key Metrics, Reports of All Monitored Parameters, and Instant Notifications of Out of Control Situations

Call us today +1 510.552.4576


Sample Completed Projects 2 of 2

Lam Research Corporation
Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing

Identified, Developed and implemented $100 Million per Year cost savings on 1.5 Billion of Purchased Parts

Applied Lean Six Sigma with Business Process Re-engineering: Identified, Developed Mathematical Model and Implemented it in SAP with Reporting and KPI Monitoring in Power BI.

Worked with Key Suppliers and Increased their Productivity and Capacity, and Reduced their Cycle Time. That resulted in multiple benefits to Lam and the suppliers.
Lean Six Sigma
Business Process Re-engineering
Cost Modeling
Documenting Operating Procedures
Trained all Buyers, Supply Chain Business Managers, and Management
Trained the Trainer

Call us today +1 510.552.4576